Moms Programs

Finding Strength, Support, and Sisterhood in Boerne's Faith-Based Mom Groups

Motherhood is a remarkable journey, filled with boundless love and cherished moments. Yet, it also comes with its unique challenges and uncertainties. As moms in Boerne, we know how crucial it is to have a strong support system to lean on. Below are a list of some of the groups in Boerne for mother who are looking for community! 

Moms of Preschoolers

Here at MOPS, we gather together and support moms of preschoolers. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen the moms come together. If you are a mom of a preschooler (pregnancy through Kindergarten) and you need some “grown up” time, then we have the place for you!

If you are a mom of a school-aged child (1st–12th Grade), MOMSNext is for you! As moms, and their kids, enter the school year, new challenges and issues arise, but the need for community and support are the same.

At Boerne MOPS we…

Both groups meet at the same time and the same place, but have separate small group discussion groups. 

Location: FBC Boerne, Family Life Building – 631 S. School St.
Date/Time: Starting September 19 (meeting 1st Monday of each month), 9 AM – 11:30 AM

Early Bird Registration (register before August 1st) = $75.00, 

Regular Registration (register on or after August 1st) = $85.00

Garlands of Grace 

Looking for a community of mom friends? Garlands of Grace is a time to be refreshed by building friendships, and connecting deeper with Christ!

No matter your age or stage of parenthood, you are more than welcome to join us. 

We'll be meeting every Tuesday from 9:30 am to 11:00 am at Living Hope Church in Boerne.

 Our first gathering will be on August 22nd, and we'll continue to meet weekly for 10 weeks.

During our sessions, we'll be diving into the study "Abide" by Jen Wilkin, which focuses on 1, 2, and 3 John.

We offer child care, a food, coffee, tea and the possibility of having guest speakers.

 Additionally, we'll have small group sessions centered around the bible study to encourage deeper connections and discussions.

To cover the expenses for food, childcare, and the study book for the entire 10-week session, we kindly suggest a donation of $50. 

However, we want every mom to feel welcome, so payment is not required but encourage you to get your own  bible study - Abide for the study or reach out and we can find a sponsor to cover the cost of your book, if needed. 

Bible Study Fellowship 

Come and study John’s Gospel!

Women today face a multitude of challenges, like struggles with insecurity, broken relationships, guilt, overwork or loneliness. Countless women have found peace, comfort, hope, security and answers to life's big questions by exploring God's Word. As a group member, you will personally study Scripture and answer questions each day. Once a week, you will meet for a small-group discussion of the lesson, hear from a teaching leader how the truths of Scripture can be applied to daily life and receive comprehensive notes on the Scripture passages you studied.

BSF meets Thursdays at 9:30am at Trinity Presbyterian Church.  This study starts Sept 14 and runs till summer of 2024. 

Childcare available! 

Boerne Love Sponsor 

With all of the roles that we hold, life can quickly become overwhelming. The constant need to be needed, with cultural expectations – we lose our purpose, our identity, and our understanding of how to live a full life. This is the beginning of change!